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It is hereby informed that the list of dealer/retailer selling DD Free Dish STBs has been put up by Prasar Bharati to provide information to viewers about the location and other details of such dealers to enable viewers to obtain such STBs easily. It is not mandatory to buy DD Free Dish STBs only from such dealers/sellers. Prasar Bharati does not certify/guarantee makes/models, quality of STBs & prices charged by such dealers. Prasar Bharati does not make any representation and hold out any warranty as to the quality of the set top boxes or any services provided by the dealers mentioned therein.
Prasar Bharati shall not be responsible or liable in any manner whatsoever for any defect in any set top box purchased by any person from the aforesaid dealers or any deficiency in services provided by them. Likewise, Prasar Bharati has no privity of contract with any such dealer and does not guarantee any business to them, nor is it liable to them on any count whatsoever.